Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cross Promote EVERYTHING

What started out solely as a means of shameless self-promotion quickly turned into marketing, and one of the first lessons that this author came to learn was the power of being able to cross promote over numerous platforms seamlessly online.

You do not have to do be a digital media genius (though that helps too) to succeed in promoting your self or your business. What you really need to dedicate is time, energy, and an idea.

Now hold on for a second and let me explain before you tell me to stick social media and blogging where the sun does not dare to shine, because being a business owner does not allow for much in the way of expendable time, energy, or ideas; I know from experience that running a business exhausts time and energy.

But having a burgeoning business of any kind almost always certainly starts with an idea. How do you utilize your idea to make sales conversions? How do you expand upon the idea?

What cross promotion is really all about is coming up with a solid, interesting, or advantageous idea that will benefit the consumer and then getting that message out there in the world, or the marketplace if you will.

This idea can be as simple as the reason your product is better than all others, or why it is different and interesting. Use the ideas that are already associated with your market and write a rant about them in a blog. Great promotion starts with a blog online, because the keywords in the written article (words relevant to the topic) register in the global search engines, the Google’s and the Bing’s, and people can then find your location, your idea, your product when they look for something loosely related to it on the vastly intricate world-wide web of the Internet.

Read the rest HERE at the CMO Sinc Blog

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